Unite FRIM Monitoring and Reporting

This course is part of the Operational Track.The objective of the Monitoring and Reporting course is to empower technicians, data management experts, and end users to oversee infrastructure assets, resource consumption, and create advanced customized reports. Prior completion of the Unite FRIM Foundation course is required before enrolling in this track.

Duration: 60 minutes Delivery Method: Self-paced
Location: Online Target Audience: Civilian Staff
Delivery Date: Online Prerequisites: Unite FRIM Foundation Course


This course is designed to comprehend the principles and tools essential for conducting IoT data analysis. The student will acquire knowledge on how to supervise and analyze IoT data to extract valuable insights, how to request customized reports aligned with the mission's requirements, and create custom reports that effectively depict the mission's resource usage and trends.

Keywords: Unite FRIM Monitoring and Reporting, FRIM Monitoring and Reporting, FRIM M&R

List of Prerequisites